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Showing posts from November, 2020

On Violence - Finding a Moral Line - Ft. Lavender Bleu

    Hey youth! Today Lavender Bleu from  Always Write The Good Write  is back to guest post on our November series, "Finding a Moral Line", to give her opinion on violence. ------ Hi again, it’s Lavender Bleu. ^-^  I’m going to cut to the chase this time, we’re talking about violence today. I’m a Mennonite, so violence is a complicated subject for me. Traditionally, we are pacifists. Mennonites who were alive during WWII didn’t fight in the war, they were conscientious objectors and worked with relief programs instead of being drafted into the military. But you’re not here for a history lesson. (If you are, then you’re in the wrong place.) First, let’s address violent crimes. We know that homicide (murder) is bad because of Exodus 20:13, the infamous β€œYou shall not murder.” Homicide is the killing of another human (infanticide is the killing of an infant [baby]). First degree murder is when the criminal has planned the murder ahead of time and then enacted on it...

Defining Morality

  Welcome to our first post in the series "Finding a Moral Line"!  Today, we're just talking about morality in general. What is it, how is it determined, and why is it important.  Let's get right into it.  (P.S. I was a bad girl and didn't write this in advance like I had attended and because NaNoWriMo is going on right now, I'm loopy and absent minded, so I apologize if this is rambly. XD )  What is morality? Merriam-Webster describes it as this:  Definition of  morality 1 a :  a  moral  discourse, statement, or lesson Definition of  moral   1 a :  of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior Morality and morals are the "right" in life, it's what is socially and ethically acceptable and generally agreed on by the majority of people.  Do not kill, lie, steal, take advantage of others, hurt others, abandon, abuse, etc., are all well known moral rules. What determines morality? Morality can only be d...