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Gina Carano Gets Canceled - and Gets a New Partnership


Hey youth! 

I imagine you likely know about the Disney+ show, The Mandalorian. And if you do, you likely also know one of the star characters; Cara Dune. 

Cara Dune is the strong, independent, cliche-breaking, feminine, leading character that women want to see. She isn't the hourglass-practically-starved-and-very-sexualized body type, she is strong, broad, muscular, and beautiful. She is independent and she is also kind and supportive of others. She's tough without trying to be a man. She isn't cocky, arrogant, rude, and doesn't make the ridiculous "what, because I'm a woman?" or "ugh men" comments. And in general, she's just a really good character. 

I was thrilled when I saw her in The Mandalorian, and I was certain that for once everyone (feminists, Liberals, Conservatives, etc.) would be happy. I was sadly mistaken. 

I've been wanting to find a way to incorporate my love for this character and appreciation for the actress, Gina Carano, for some time, and here it is. The circumstances aren't favorable, but it results in something pretty good so hang in there. 

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "cancel culture" bouncing around lately. Basically what that is, if you don't know already, is a phrase to describe the all-too-common event of silencing voices, flushing careers, and other such things, when someone disagrees with what you say. Or more accurately, what the left says (this is not a biased thought, but a fact. The left has "cancelled" many people now, whereas the right has yet to.) 

How it applies in this situation is as follows: 

On February 10th, 2021, Lucasfilm (which is now owned by Disney), announced that it would be firing Gina Carano due to a controversial social media post. 

Lucasfilm's official statement was: 

Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.

Ms. Carano has had many controversial posts lately, but the specific post that Lucasfilm's statement refers to is this:

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors...even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.  

 As you can see, the only people that Ms. Carano "denigrated" based on their "cultural and religious identities" were racists who beat Jews (beginning of the paragraph). 

If Disney's/Lucasfilm's issue was the comparison of cancel culture to the Holocaust, that would be a tad more understandable though still not grounds for firing a person. 

However, she was not comparing the outcome, she was comparing what happened before the Holocaust with what is happening now. In the present, cancel culture is targeting people for their beliefs, and nowadays many people won't associate with each other based on their beliefs and opinions. They have been persuaded by politicians and the media alike to hate one another.

In that aspect, comparing not the present with outcome of the hate towards Jews but rather what led to it, I understand the analogy. But that aside, this isn't what Lucasfilm claimed to have a problem with, they said their issue was with a bias that Ms. Carano supposedly has against people for their religious and cultural identities. In reality, Ms. Carano was speaking against the fire same thing Lucasfilm supposedly fired her for. 

And if Lucasfilm meant to say that they did in fact fire her for the Holocaust analogy comparing the present with the Holocaust, then The Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal *should also have been fired, as he made such a comparison himself in 2018:


One may argue that Lucasfilm didn't care because that tweet is over two years old. However, Mr. Pascal signed on with Disney in 2018, so this would have been relevant enough to fire him. But Disney didn't. In addition to this, that bottom picture in Mr. Pascal's tweet has since been proven to be a picture taken in Hebron, Palestine, of Palestinian children waiting in a soup kitchen. The picture has been cropped and the narrative changed to make it seems as though the children are Mexican immigrants being detained in America in 2018.  

So if the comparison alone was not enough to fire Mr. Pascal (though it seemingly was for Ms. Carano), the fact that he was spreading false information, and thus making a false comparison of the Holocaust and 2018 US, should have been. So why wasn't he fired as well?  

The simple answer is the unpopular one: Mr. Pascal's comparison supports the opinion that Disney supports and Ms. Carano's does not. Furthermore, Disney's live action Mulan was filmed in Xinjiang, China, where there's a million Muslims held in concentration camps by the Chinese government, and Disney even thanked Chinese government agencies involved in the camps in the credits of the movie. 


Credits for Disney's live action Mulan

Disney is supporting the attack against race and religion on Muslims, and yet it calls Gina Carano's posts "abhorrent and unacceptable" for comparing the tactics that lead to the Holocaust with the tactics that are leading to the division of America and mistreatment of people based on their political opinions? 

Let's just go over this real simply one more time: 

Gina: Compares pre-holocaust violence to the hate towards people based on their political opinions in 2021 using a analogy.

Pedro: Compares the treatment of Jews in WWII with the treatment of immigrants in 2018 using false information.

Disney: Films in, supports, and thanks a concentration camp, has no issue with Pedro Pascal's post, fires Gina Carano for "denigrating people based on cultural and religious identities". 

I believe that Disney doesn't actually care about what Gina Carano said. If it did, it would never have been involved with a concentration camp in any way, shape, or form, as that is perhaps the biggest form of "denigrating people based on cultural and religious identities".  

Disney doesn't care about the mistreatment of people based on religion or culture. Disney cares about its own agenda, and what can that agenda possibly be if not to make money? So it does what it can to make that money, it silences the outspoken Conservative and keeps on the outspoken Liberal, just as the media desires. 

All that being said, Gina Carano has been fired from The Mandalorian. Whether you are a Liberal or Conservative, surely you can see how wrong this is given the context of Disney's decision. If you needed a reminder for why Disney is awful, here it is. 

However, this post isn't all discouragement and bad news. 

Cancel culture can only do so much without the consent of the "canceled". Sure, it can kick you off social media, make you lose your friends, take your job away from you, and even threaten you. But you know what it can't do? It can't stop you. No matter how hard it tries. For as long as you fight against it, it hasn't won. It only wins if you give up. Even if you're left with no option but to stand on a literal soap box and yell, you still have your voice.  

Fortunately, Gina Carano isn't left to the soap box, because she has partnered with The Daily Wire to produce and star in one of their original films

On this subject, Ms. Carano said, 

The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams - to develop and produce my own film - come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered. I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can't cancel us if we don't let them. 

The Daily Wire needs support, it needs money, to be able to make movies and to in general continue fighting against cancel culture. And, I imagine, to hire more actors who are being canceled as it happens. So we can help to fight it by helping them to continue providing jobs for the canceled and to continue making content in various forms that fights against it.

But as youth, that's hard. Most of us don't have consistent money beyond a part time job and can't afford  subscriptions like the ones for The Daily Wire. But there are still things we can do. 

If you want to find out what those things are, read on. If not, skip to the post's conclusion. 

- Stop supporting Disney -  

If your family has a subscription to D+ and won't cancel it, you can still help by not buying its merchandise, not seeing any of its movies in-theatre, not viewing any of its trailers or clips on YouTube, and not sharing any of it's promotional material.  

Maybe it won't stop Disney altogether, but it will be that much less support and money for it. 

- Speak out and share content -

If you have social media, start posting, sharing, and spreading support for those who are fighting cancelation. Watch their videos, read their articles, and save and share it wherever you can. 

Pinterest is pretty good for sharing these things, because just about everything has a "pin it" button, and once you pin it to Pinterest, and someone else pins it, it gets into the circulation and more people are likely to see it.

In addition to that, when you watch things on YouTube, watch their ads. This is how they get paid, so if you can't afford to donate to them, you can afford to watch their ads. For more information on this, here's a post I found that explains how this works: Do YouTubers Get Paid More if I Watch the Whole Ad?

- Be informed -

Here at WTY, I try to offer informative and thought-provoking content, but I'm just one kid with the occasional guest poster and a life to balance. I only have so much to offer from my position in life, and you should never trust just one source anyways. 

So I urge you to find multiple sources for information. Not just on the goings-on of the modern day, but for many things. For history, for cultural issues, for real science. I encourage you to challenge your own opinions and do research in every direction to be sure that what you believe is true. You can never, never know enough, so you may as well always seek to learn.

 Prager U is a very good way of doing this. It has a variety of speakers and hosts who are very well informed on their beliefs. They do updates on the issues of the modern day, and their five-minute-videos are very helpful, informative, cover a lot of things, and are short. 

In conclusion,

Gina Carano's been fired from The Mandalorian on poor grounds, but she's not been silenced. If you want to fight against cancel culture, it starts by dropping your support of organizations who would fire someone for having an opinion, such as Disney.  

I have much respect for Gina Carano taking a stand and being a voice, and I look forward to what comes of her partnership with The Daily Wire.

I hope you found this post informative and helpful. If you have any post requests, thoughts, comments, questions, etc., please feel free to ask them down below.

- EJ

P.S. If you would like further details on Gina Carano's situation and partnership with The Daily Wire, here's a video on it:

P.S.S. Want a cool t-shirt to show your support of Gina Carano? Star Wars fans have been making some awesome ones! Check them out here:

I Stand With Gina Carano Shirt by The BWandMK

We Stand With Gina Shirt by ModernStripes

Gina Carano Did Nothing Wrong Shirt by ViralWaveApparel

P.S.S.S. Please remember to fact check me! I did quite a bit of reading for this post and excluded things I wasn't sure of even when I believed them, but you should double, triple, and even quadruple check everything before believing or spreading it. :)

*Please note that I do not think Pedro Pascal should be fired for this. Neither he nor Gina should be fired for expressing their thoughts. When I said this, I said it according to Lucasfilm/Disney's approach to the issue, not my own. 

What are your thoughts on Gina Carano's current circumstance? What do you think about Disney? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 


  1. The difficult thing with Disney is that they put out *good* movies that I want to see, that I can see *value* in seeing. So I wish I could support their *movies* without supporting them, but obviously there's not any way to make that work. ;P

    1. I totally understand that. Pirates of The Caribbean, Narnia, Princess Bride, pretty much all of Pixar, the MCU, and then so many movies and franchises that Disney bought such as Star Wars, are things that I still love. But sadly there really is no middle ground with that. :/
      Hopefully Disney will shape up soon and not fall even further into this mess they've started. Though, really, I'm not sure there's any coming back from supporting a concentration camp.

  2. Another group that's been picking up cancelled actors is the Christian film-making group LOOR. They're still a baby company, and I'm not quite sure what I make of the tone of their marketing, but their goal seems awesome.

    1. That sounds really interesting, I'll check that out. :)


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